Bad Trip Advisors

Bored Moods

Our specialized art department personnel must improvise, adapt, and overcome constantly. Our agents provide special consultation while curating unique objects for unique purposes.

Alien Anthropologists Studying Through Archaeological Processes.

Collecting images + references, connecting the dots, and making maps are continual challenges for these creative cartographers.

A massive pinboard connecting the various nodes of BTDs operations is an easy “location” to shoot.

Object Handlers

Our facility is a great and strange place of holding. We make objects of benevolent or nefarious purposes appear and disappear for various reasons. Gloved and Nimble fingers frequently perform strange surgeries and probings.





consists of the classic 50s C.I.A. spook suit.
black jacket/pants with white shirt/black tie.

(uniform) black sunglasses required for all.

(audition existing options from personals)

oriented around the storage, transfer, and treatment of objects and assets.

classic black pulp fiction briefcase can manifest whatever prop or tool is needed.

minimizes their personal presence, much like the MIB. identification is saved for the personnel files. here, BLACK GLOVES handle things under the supervision of BLACK SUNGLASSES.

rendered from an easily rendered ‘crazy board’ that can highlight the different ‘service’ nodes of Bad Trip’s Art Department operations.

Nearby will be a simple ‘tabletop’ shoot that is managed and serviced by Bad Trip Advisors.

advisors of set + setting